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因为雅思写作评分标准中很重要的一项就是Lexical Resource(词汇丰富度),如果你学会变着花样表达同一个意思,那你就能展现出你的词汇丰富度。




这里有个通用句型介意运用到开头段:The +图表类型+ 动词+描述部分。根据这个句型,分别可以有以下词汇值得积累并使用↓↓


diagram / table / figure / illustration / graph / chart / flow chart / picture/ presentation / pie chart / bar graph / column graph / line graph / table data/ data / information / pictorial / process diagram / map / pie chart and table/ bar graph and pie chart


shows / represents / depicts / enumerates / illustrates / presents / gives / provides / delineate / outlines/ describes / delineates / expresses / denotes / compares / shows contrast / indicates / figures / gives data on / gives information on / presents information about / shows data about / demonstrates / sketch out / summarises...


the comparison of… / the differences… / the changes... / the number of… / information on… / data on… / the proportion of… / the amount of/ data about... / comparative data... / the trend of.../ the percentages of... / the ratio of... / how the...

主体段需要对图形进行具体的数据分析。通常要描述 when / what / where + 数据分析+趋势分析 。



上升(动词):increase / rise / go up / uplift / rocket(ed) / climb / upsurge / soar / improve

上升(名词):a rise /   an increase / an upward trend / a growth / a leap / a jump / an improvement / a climb

下降(动词):fall / decrease / decline / plummet / plunge / drop / reduce / collapse / deterioriate / dip

下降(名词:a fall / a decrease / a reduction / a downward trends /a   downward tendency /   a decline/ a drop

趋势稳定(动词):unchanged / level out / remain constant / remain steady / plateau / remain the same / remain stable / remain static

趋势稳定(名词):a steadiness / a plateau / a stability / a static

逐渐增加(名词):an upward trend / an upward tendency / a ceiling trend


快速变化(副词):dramatically / rapidly / sharply / quickly / hurriedly / speedily / swiftly / significantly / considerably / substantioally

快速变化(形容词):dramatic / rapid / sharp / quick / hurried / speedy / swift / significant / considerable / substantial / noticable

稳健变化(副词):moderately / gradually / progressively / sequentially

稳健变化(形容词):moderate / gradual / progressive /   sequential

轻微变化(副词):slightly / slowly / mildly / tediously

轻微变化(形容词):slight / slow / mild / tedious


分数 Fractions:

4% = A tiny fraction

24% = Almost a quarter

25% = Exactly a quarter

26% = Roughly one quarter

32% = Nearly one-third, nearly a third

49% = Around a half, just under a half

50% = Exactly a half

51% = Just over a half

73% = Nearly three quarters

77% = Approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter

79% = Well over three quarters


2% = A tiny portion, a very small proportion

4% = An insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion

16% = A small minority, a small portion

70% = A large proportion

72% = A significant majority, A significant proportion

89% = A very large proportion


如果让Native Speakers完成小作文中的数字图表类题目,

see an upward trend 呈现出上升的趋势
-The housing market saw an upward trend in 2003.
-房地产市场在2003年呈现出了上升的趋势。(反义:witness a downward trend---呈现出下降的趋势)

-The prices of consumer goods witnessed a downward trend.
-消费品的价格呈现出下降的趋势。(联想:see an opposite trend---呈现出相反的趋势)

-In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend.

rocket to... 急速上升至……

-The petrol price rocketed to a record high
-汽油价格急速飞升到了历史最高纪录。(近义:soar to... 飞速上升至)

-The rate of heart disease soared to 79 per 1,000 people.

peak at... 在某位置到达最高点

-The figures show that the unemployment rate peaked at 9.8% in October.
-数据显示失业率在十月份达到了最高点9.8%(近义:reach 10.the highest point---到达最高点)

-The crime rate rose throughout the 1990s and reached the highest pointin 2001.

a slump 下挫

-There was a slumpin the demand for new cars in 2007

-There was a substantial decline in the unemployment rate/

-The criminal-offence rate fell continuously from 2001 to 2011.

plummet to… 骤降至

-That number rose to 3,900 by 2004 and then plummeted to 760 by 2008
-这个数字在2004年达到了 3900,然后到了 2008年却陡然骤降到760。

-The number of full-time jobs generated by the retail industry dropped swiftly to 14,000
-零售业所提供的全职岗位数量驟降至14000。(反义:go up steeply to… 迅速升至…)

-Then the interest ratewent up steeply to 4.2%

bottom out--- 降至最低点

-The government claimed that the recession had bottomed out.
-政府宣称经济衰退已经要触底反弹了。(近义:drop to its lowest level 降至最低点)

Inflation dropped to its lowest level in five years---通货膨胀率降到了近5年来的最低点。

reach a plateau 进入平稳状态

-By 2002, this improvement had reached a plateau.
-到了 2002年,这种上升势头开始进入了一个平稳的阶段。

level out (at... ) / maintain the same level /remain stable 维持在(某个水平上)

-The number of cases of the disease remained relatively stable in 2009.

fluctuate around... / fluctuate between...and…围绕...有所波动

-Their total leisure time per week fluctuated between 22 hours and 35 hours.

....is predicted. 某现象很可能将出现

-A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2020 and 2025.

…is anticipated. 某现象预期将发生

-A hike (n. 上升)in the oil price is anticipated.

is projected to... / is forecast to... 预计将会…

-The figure is projected to reach 26.18% by 2050.

exceed... 超过

-The energy available exceeded the energy demand from the late 1960s to the early 1980s.

surpass... 超过

-The growth rate of Molosop is expected to surpass that of Densaunt by 2035

be twice as many as... 两倍于…

-The number of consumer complaints in 2005 was twice as many as that in 2001.

be three times as many as... / be four times as many as...是某事物的三倍/四倍

-The number of hospitals in this region is three times as many as that in Laneo.

be in stark contrast with...与…形成鲜明的对比

-This is in stark contrast with 1990 when 60% of those who held an undergraduate diploma were men.
-这和1990年时 60% 的本科学历持有者是男人的事实形成了鲜明的对比。

is in marked contrast with... 与…形成明显的对比

-This new trend is in marked contrast with the trend it experienced in the 1980s.

over the following... days / months / years 在之后的某段时间里

-The number of patients fell sharply over the following three months.

is only marginally more...than... 与…相比仅是略微更……

-Thus we can see that the new organization is only marginally more efficient than the old one.

is only fractionally more... than... 与…相比仅稍微更…
-The aging of the population is only fractionally faster than that in the last decade.

is considerably more...than... 远比…更加

-Keolho’s birth rate is considerably higher than that of Nowsba.

in inverse proportion to... 成反比地

-The amount of money people save increases in inverse proportion to the amount they spend.

in proportion to... 成正比地

-The amount of energy consumed in this factory is in proportion to its number of products.

Not surprisingly, ... 相应很自然的是,……
-Not surprisingly, the number of cases of the disease dropped to approximately 1,700 in 2008.
